先生への信頼・青獅子の学級 Trust in the Professor (Blue Lions)
Entrance Hall
ディミトリ: 今日は本当に楽しかったな、先生。相変わらず、見事な食べっぷりだった。
Dimitri: I had a wonderful time today, Professor. As usual, I was astonished by how much you ate in the name of celebration!
Really, though, I must thank you again. Our victory in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion was thanks, in no small part, to you.
Choice 1: みんなのおかげだ We all did our part. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ……ああ、そうだな。だが、俺たちが強くなれたのは、先生の指導あってこそだ。
Dimitri: Yes, that is true, but it was your instruction that allowed us to reach our full potential.
Choice 2: 当然だ I agree.
ディミトリ: まあ、たまにはそれくらいのことを言っても罰は当たらないだろう。
Dimitri: That's the spirit! There's nothing wrong with acknowledging your own strengths every now and then.
ディミトリ: ……今だから言う。先生が学級に来た頃、俺は先生が、少しばかり……怖かった。
Dimitri: I feel silly admitting this now, but when you first came to lead our class...you unnerved me.
You never smiled, and you never showed anger either. And yet, you didn't appear to be suppressing your emotions. They just...weren't there.
At first I thought perhaps you just didn't care for us, but I soon concluded that wasn't the case at all.
For the longest time I just couldn't tell what you were thinking. It was as though you had no humanity whatsoever...
Choice 1: 傷つく That stings.
Choice 2: 今は? And now?
ディミトリ: ……今は違う。一緒に過ごした半年の間、先生の人間らしい顔をたくさん見てきた。
Dimitri: You're different now. In the half-year we've spent together, I've seen the glow of humanity in your eyes and in your actions countless times.
I am truly grateful to have had the chance to spend this time with you, Professor.
シルヴァン: なーに2人して仲良く喋ってるんです。俺たちも交ぜてくださいよ。
Sylvain: What are you two talking about? How dare you get chummy without us!
シルヴァン: なーに2人していちゃついてるんです。俺も交ざりたいなあ。いいですよねー?
Sylvain: Getting cozy, are we? Mind if I cut in?
ドゥドゥー: ……シルヴァン。そこまでだ。
Dedue: That's enough, Sylvain.
メルセデス: あらあら、私も交ざりたいわ~。先生とは、まだお話足りないもの。
Mercedes: Oh please, I would love to join you as well! I have so many things I wish to talk to you about, Professor.
アネット: あたしも! 先生には話したいこともあるし、いろいろお礼も言いたいし。
Annette: Oh, me too! I have so much to tell you! And I want to thank you too.
アッシュ: あの、先生。僕も、先生がいたからこそここまで頑張ってこられました。
Ashe: Honestly Professor? I was only able to achieve so much because you were with us.
イングリット: アッシュの言うとおり……先生はもう、私たちにとって欠かせない存在です。
Ingrid: Ashe is right. You're irreplaceable to us, Professor.
アネット: うんうん。先生がいない青獅子の学級は、もう青獅子の学級じゃないって感じだよね!
Annette: Yes, that! Without you, the Blue Lions... Well, we wouldn't even be the Blue Lions at all! Except for the blue part. Because we'd be sad.
訳:そうそう!先生無しのBlue Lions は... そんなのBlue Lions じゃなくなっちゃう。「Blue」の部分を除いてね。 だって(先生無しじゃ)私たち悲しい(=blue)じゃないですか。yupeco.icon
フェリクス: ……お前と共に戦うのも、なかなか悪くない、と思っている。
Felix: I suppose...there are worse things than fighting at your side.
フレン: わたくしも、このような体験ができて……改めてお礼を申し上げますわ、先生。
Flayn: I have had the opportunity to experience much. Please allow me to offer you my gratitude once more, Professor.
ディミトリ: ……そういうわけで、みんな先生のことを信頼してるんだ。これからもよろしく頼む。
Dimitri: Haha, as you can see, you have our trust, as well as our admiration. I look forward to spending the rest of the year with you.
ディミトリ: みんな、先生のことを信頼してるんだ。これからもよろしく頼む。
Byleth: こちらこそよろしく As do I.
ディミトリ: ああ。卒業まであと半年、一緒に頑張っていこう、先生。
Dimitri: Good. Then let's give it our all this year!
Anyhow... It's getting late. We had better return to our quarters and get some rest.